Friday, May 9, 2008

Feathers and Flies

               It was so busy today! It seemed the second one person walked out, two more walked in. In other words, the door was open all day. Which let (you guessed it) flies in. 
               So here we are swatting flies all day (obnoxious), which meant we were continually washing our hands (all day). Which leads to running out of paper towels. So Brandi went into the office to get some more paper towels. 
               When she returned, not only did she not have any paper towels, but she looked horrified..... She rushed in, in an exasperated tone of voice said, "THERE'S A BIRD IN THE OFFICE!!!" Now, I don't know if you know anyone with a fear of birds, but I'll tell you right now, Brandi is one of them..... Which makes no sense at all considering the animals she has had, and loves to have ( snakes, lizards, dogs, and she especially likes rats). 
                To our luck Stewart was there, so he walked back into the office, caught the bird, and put it outside in less then ten seconds! I guess he was raised on a chicken farm, so he knows his birds. 
                Moral of the story, leave a few doors open, and Satan can get in (very easily). Sure, may just be a few flies here and there, but pretty soon it becomes really big scary birds! A few examples of flies could be secular music. Listening to it, you think, "Oh, it's no big deal." But pretty soon, as those words keep turning in your head, it isn't just a song anymore, it's the way you act outwardly. Before you know it, those flies have turned into birds. Another one is white lies. They may be small now, but they will keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, to the point that you're trapped in the corner by an ostrich! My point is, is that people will see you for the things you do! Which means Satan will use the doors you left open to bring you down, and bring Christ' name down with you. We have to remember that we are God's witnesses. So my challenge is this, SHUT THOSE DOORS! Keep Christ in, and Satan out. No, we're not going to be perfect, but we can try to keep the flies out!

               - Taylor* James 1:14-18
But each one is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desires. Then when desire conceives, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is full grown, it gives birth to death. Do not be led astray, my dear brothers and sisters. All generous giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or the slightest hint of change. By his sovereign plan he gave us birth through the message of truth, that we would be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.


Unknown said...

Wow! So True. That reminds me of an airfreshener comercial that I saw one day. It starts with a guy and a stinky shjoe under his bed and he's kinda sorta starting to smell something, then as the day's go bye the shoe gets bigger and bigger and the smell get's worse and worse untill the shoe is bigger than the bed, to big to hide or ignore.... wow, I am inspired, I'm going to go blog about this! Bye

The Wannabe's said...

Zephaniah 3:17 says, The Lord your God is with you. HE is mighty to save. He will take delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, and rejoice over you with singing. Our God knows what is going on in our day to day life . When we cry out of pain or fear or whatever it might be He wants us to run to Him and let Him take it away. We can do all things through Christ. We have a God who shows us an unfailling love. Let's take it...