Friday, May 9, 2008

Modest is Hottest (Sorry Guys, This One's For The Ladies;-)

                 It was five minutes after closing when Morgan walked in. I guess Laura was taking her to cheer practice soon. Anyways...... Denise was finishing up his coffee, so as soon as he left we could start cleaning up, and Morgan could get to cheer practice. As they were talking, Laura told him that she had to take Morgan to cheer. At this point he (Denise) asked if they were going home first, so Morgan could change into clothes that weren't so tight! That's when I realised that dressing modestly doesn't just protect us, it's also courteous to the men around us. We (ladies) don't usually to pay attention to how low our neckline is, or how tight our pants are. We just think the outfit is cute and comfortable. But guys minds are built differently, they are more visual. So when we wear clothes like that, we might as well be walking around in our underwear! I'm not saying wear big old baggy sweatpants everywhere you go! But dress more modestly. If your chest hangs out when you bend over the neckline is to low!!! If your butt talks while you walk, your pants are way to tight!!! Take some time (before you walk outside) to bend over in front of a mirror, and make sure that you're being modest! We (girls) all want to be pretty and attractive, but dressing skanky isn't going to do that. I mean, lets face it, we don't want to scare old men away, and we definitely don't want to attract perverts! So lets keep it clean!

- Taylor* 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.


sabrina said...

that is so true talyor i is always such a good for me to think know when i get dress in the morning i do dress modest but it's a good thing to think. god wants your bodys to be a temple of the holy spirit. you rock