Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Don't Burn My Burger!!!

                While I was working today, a man came in wanting a burger. He ordered it rare, then went out and sat in the garden. 
                 Per usual, Laura went out to the barbecue to cook the burger. As she was cooking the burger, the grill started to flame up (as usual), and the man started yelling at her, "RARE, I SAID RARE!!!" (not so usual)
                I was impressed that Laura didn't yell back "I know what I'm doing, I've been doing this for 10 years!!!" Although, when the man came back in later Laura did ask, "Was it rare enough for you?"
                Of course it was. 
                Yes, I'm a visual learner, so I love it when God reveals something to me... I realised that I do the same thing. Sometimes I'm sitting there saying, "God, This wasn't apart of the plan!" But God is sitting there saying, "Yes it is, I've been doing this for years, and it's all going to work out the way I planned." Sometimes we need to just shut our mouths, and trust God to cook the burger. I mean, He has been doing it for years...- Taylor* Isaiah 55:11 In the same way, the promise that I make
does not return to me, having accomplished nothing.
No, it is realized as I desire and is fulfilled as I intend."

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," Declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Just Work

                    As usual, I went to work today. Went to do dishes, AND MY SPONGE WAS GONE!!! Yes, this is no big deal. Right up till I had to use the NEW sponge. This sponge wouldn't bend the way I wanted it too, it was too stiff, and just plain hard to use! It took twice as long to do the dishes!        
                    At this point I wanted my old sponge back (understandably). BUT WHAT COULD I DO!!! It's not like I could go dumpster diving to find it covered in bacon grease, Welshes grape jam, butter, syrup, yogurt, rotten fruit, cream cheese, ketchup, and eggs. Don't ask how I know this..... Just kidding. 
                    None the less, as time went on, it got easier to use! That's when I realized we as people are just like that sponge! NO I'M NOT KIDDING. We quite often make it hard for God to use us. How is He going to use us for His plan if we don't let Him bend us the way he wants us to. Don't get me wrong, this won't happen in one day. But don't worry, we'll all get there one day. It takes time and patience, but in the end it's worth it! Just ask the sponge.
- Taylor* Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God — what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. - Romans 12:2

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Horton Hears A Who"

                 Hey! I went to the movie theater last night with Bethany. But there really wasn't anything to see (as usual). So we went and saw "Horton Hears A Who", and it turned out better than I thought it would!
                 It was hilarious, and the storyline was pretty good too. I have to say that my favorite part is when the Mayer decide to trust in what he doesn't see. I also like the fact that the Mayer was willing to stand up for what he believed in, under persecution
                 Sound familiar? It reminds me of our everyday christian walks with God. To believe in what we can't see, and to stand up for what we believe in, EVEN WHEN IT HURTS!!!!! The Mayer made a difference in that ONE small town. How much bigger difference can WE make in this whole WORLD!!!!! If all of us stood up for WHAT WE BELIEVED IN, and TRUSTED IN THE ONE LIVING GOD TO MAKE A CHANGE!!!!! I don't know about you, but I think it's time for a change. I hope y'all go see it too, cause it was a cool movie!
- Taylor* Mathew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.....

How To Make A Cheap Date Look Good ; - )

                   HEY!!! It's my mom and dad's anniversary today!!! Yay!!!
                   So since we don't have very much money right now, he took her to McDonald's...... Here's the twist!!! Before church, we got a bunch of stuff together (silverware, plastic wine glasses, a nice tablecloth, candle, Martenelles, and my guitar). 
                   After church, we had some friends drop us of at McDonald's. (Here's the fun part ;-D) We set up the tablecloth on one of the table's, with the candle, the silverware (on a napkin), and a (decorative) bucket with water in it (for the flowers he was bringing). 
                   When they arrived, they were seated. My brother and sister, who were the waiter and waitress, took there orders, pored some of the martenelle's in there cups, got there drinks, ordered there food and brought it to them!!! 
                   My dad had me play (romantic) music in the background. BUT GET THIS!!! My mom had no idea we were going to do that, so it was a total surprise for her!!! Yes, it was a little embarrassing in front of ALL those people. But it was fun, and worth it in the end!!! Anyways..... I would post pictures if I had them, but I don't. So you get this instead, "How to make a cheap date look good."
- Taylor*

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Two Or More

I went to this free concert in the park yesterday with the youth group, and it was awsome!!!!!! (Except I was the only one dancing from our youth group). BUT IT WAS SO FUN!!!!! You should see there Myspace @ www.myspace.come/twoormore. I got to talk to the guitarist afterwards and he was realy cool (the drumer was signing drum sticks;-). Oh, GTG, BYE!!!!!

What a DAY!!!!!

I can get on the computer now that I finished the dishes. So I just had to say..... I PAST MY DRIVERS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We couldn't miss more than 8 (I thought I missed more than that, but I didn't :-), so I past the test!!! BTW, did I mention it's a Saturday?! I had to get up at FIVE IN THE MORNING to get ready for drivers ed., I had to be there at 7:15, and he (the teacher) didn't get there till 7:30 (How annoying is that). So after five hours (of quizzes, short videos, and the final test), I finally pasted!!!!! I guess I still have to do simulators though (aw dang). But I'm almost done. I've made a couple new friends in drivers ed. (pretty cool). Anyways, I'm excited, so I had to tell y'all.... I GTG, I'm going out with Bethany tonight...... BYE!!!!!!!!

- Taylor*