Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just Work

                    As usual, I went to work today. Went to do dishes, AND MY SPONGE WAS GONE!!! Yes, this is no big deal. Right up till I had to use the NEW sponge. This sponge wouldn't bend the way I wanted it too, it was too stiff, and just plain hard to use! It took twice as long to do the dishes!        
                    At this point I wanted my old sponge back (understandably). BUT WHAT COULD I DO!!! It's not like I could go dumpster diving to find it covered in bacon grease, Welshes grape jam, butter, syrup, yogurt, rotten fruit, cream cheese, ketchup, and eggs. Don't ask how I know this..... Just kidding. 
                    None the less, as time went on, it got easier to use! That's when I realized we as people are just like that sponge! NO I'M NOT KIDDING. We quite often make it hard for God to use us. How is He going to use us for His plan if we don't let Him bend us the way he wants us to. Don't get me wrong, this won't happen in one day. But don't worry, we'll all get there one day. It takes time and patience, but in the end it's worth it! Just ask the sponge.
- Taylor* Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God — what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. - Romans 12:2


The Wannabe's said...

hey taylor this is ashalee i really need to update my blog.... but i came up with a few band names comment on my blog and tell me what u think.

Out Of The Void (see genisis 1)
Broken Differences
Great Illusions
Static Impulse
To Be Continued
Against The Current
Drowned In Sound
Shattered Melodies
HMMMMMMM.... just tell me what u think!
<3 Ashalee